• 栾非时
















    [1]LiuShi, Gao Peng, Wang Xuezheng, Davis Angela R., Abdul Majeed Baloch,LuanFeishi*, Mapping of quantitative trait loci for lycopene content and fruittraits inCitrullus lanatus,2014, Euphytica, DOI: 10.1007/s10681-014-1308-9(SCI: 1.692)

    [2]WangXuezheng,Xu Bingyin,Zhao Liang,Gao Peng,Ma HongYan,Luan Feishi*, Expressionanalysis of fusarium wilt resistance gene in melon by real-time quantitativePCR, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2014, 46(2):713-717. (SCI IF: 1.207)

    [3]Sun Jian,ZouDetang;Luan Feishi*,Zhao Hongwei,Wang Jinguo,Liu Hualong,Xie Dongwei,SuDaiQun,Ma Jing,Liu Zhongliang, Dynamic QTL analysis of the Na+content,K+content, and Na+/K+ratio in rice roots during the field growth under saltstress, Biologia Plantarum, 2014, 58(4):689-696. (SCI IF: 1.74)

    [4]ZhangHuijun,Gao Peng,Wang Xuezheng,Luan Feishi*, An efficient regeneration protocolfor Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of melon (Cucumis meloL.). Geneticsand Molecular Research, 2014, 13(1):54-63. (SCI IF: 0.85)

    [5]ZhangHuijun,Gao Peng,Wang Xuezheng,Luan Feishi*, An improved method of Agrobacteriumtumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation system of melon (Cucumis meloL.),Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2014, 23(3): 278-283. (SCI IF:0.81)

    [6]Zhu Qianglong, Liu Shi, Gao Peng,Luan Feishi*, High-throughput SequencingTechnology and Its Application, Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition), 2014, 03: 84-96.

    [7]Yang Luming, Koo Dal-Hoe, Li, Dawei, Zhang, Tao, Jiang Jiming,Luan Feishi,Renner Susanne S, Henaff Elizabeth, Sanseverino Walter, Garcia-Mas Jordi,Casacuberta Josep, Senalik Douglas, Simon Philipp W., Chen Jinfeng, WengYiqun*, Next-generation sequencing, FISH mapping and synteny-based modelingreveal mechanisms of decreasing dysploidy inCucumis, Plant Journal, 2014,77(1):14-30. (SCI IF: 6.815)

    [8]Zhang Huijun,Wang Xuezheng, Gao Peng,Luan Feishi*,Gao Meiling,The influence of endogenoushormones on theformation of budsfromcotyledonary nodeof melon (CucumismeloL.),Research Journal of Biotechnology, 2013, 8(1): 52-58.(SCI IF: 0.262)

    [9]Wang Xuezheng, Shang Limin,Luan Feishi*. A Highly Efficient Regeneration Systemfor Watermelon (Citrullus lanatusThunb.), Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2013,45(1):145-150 (SCI IF:1.207)

    [10]Sheng Yunyan,Luan Feishi*, Zhang Faxing, Genetic Diversity within ChineseWatermelon Ecotypes Compared with Germplasm from Other Countries. Journal ofAmerican. Society Horticulture, 2012, 137(3):1-8. (SCI IF: 0.855)

    [11]Gao Peng,Luan Feishi*, Ma Hongyan, Song Haibin, DNA fingerprinting of Chinesemelon provides evidentiary support of seed quality appraisal, Plos One, 2012,7(12):1-10. (SCI IF4.092).

    [12]LuanFeishi*, Sheng Yunyan, Wang Yuhan, Jack E. Staub, Performance of Melon HybridsDerived From Parents of Diverse Geographic Origins, 2010, Euphytica,173(1):1-16 (SCI IF:1.405).

    [13]Wei Zunmaio, Ma Hongyan,Luan Feishi*, Physiological Races Identification ofPowdery Mildew on Cucurbits in Heilongjiang Province, 2010, Hortscience,45(8):S184-S184 (SCI IF:0.696Abstract).

    [14]LuanFeishi*, Zhang Faxing, Sheng Yunyan, Ma Hongyan, Genetic Diversity ofWatermelon Germplasm Revealed by SSR Marker, 2010, Hortscience, 45(8):S183-S184(SCI IF:0.696).

    [15]刘传奇,高鹏,栾非时*,西瓜遗传图谱构建及果实相关性状QTL分析,中国农业科学,2014, 47(14): 2814-2829.

    [16]刘识,王学征,栾非时*,朱子成,西瓜果实总糖含量QTL分析,果树学报,2013, 30 (1): 75-80.

    [17]盛云燕,刘识,栾非时*,与甜瓜性别分化相关植物激素生物合成途径分析,农业生物技术学报,2012, 20 (7): 791-798.

    [18]张慧君,王学征,高鹏,高美玲,栾非时*,甜瓜性别分化的研究进展,园艺学报,2012, 39 (9): 1773-1780.

    [19]张慧君,高鹏,栾非时*.甜瓜自交系离体子叶节再生体系的建立,江苏农业科学,2012, 40 (3): 50-52.

    [20]张楠,栾非时*,高鹏,4份野生瓜类材料抗病性及形态特征和SSR亲缘关系研究,园艺学报,2012, 39 (5): 905-914.

    [21]宋海斌,崔喜波,马鸿艳,朱子成,栾非时*,基于SSR标记的甜瓜品种()DNA指纹图谱库的构建,中国农业科学,2012,45 (13): 2676-2689.

    [22]朱子成、高美玲、高鹏、栾非时*,甜瓜结实花初花节位QTL分析,园艺学报,2011, 38(9): 1753-1760.

    [23]高美玲、朱子成、高鹏、栾非时*,甜瓜重组自交系群体SSR遗传图谱构建及纯雌系基因定位,园艺学报,2011, 38(7): 1308-1316.